March comes in like a lion : Review

March comes in like a lion is pretty good from all the angles. A light-warmed comedy with awesome animation (shafting) , this anime aims for more matured people. This anime , like really , it took for them 2 weeks to produce 11th episode. They might have some problems but yeah , this anime is airing for a long time now.

Animation and Sound
Before watching this anime , i didn't expect good animations from this , but the animation level has crossed my expectations so high. The mix of 2-D and 3-D animation was so good(Shafting). They did the indoor backgrounds using some 3-D softwares but it looks almost like 2-D so that we can get that anime feel. And some indoor and all the outdoor backgrounds were done by drawing. It was not that good but they managed to pull it off by adding some filters like water reflections and lightings. And all the vehicles were 3-D too (of course). The sound was good but not at its best. The animation style is unique.

The story goes around as a boy , who has been playing shoji (a game more like chess) from his childhood. He is considered a professional player even though he is a high school student. He even missed an exam to play a professional shoji tournament and thus , dropped a year low. He finds hardships in his life since shoji is the only thing he knows , and he tries to live the best out of his life.

The characters are very unique and well done. Each character are very mysterious and you will find yourself very curious to know about them.


This anime has a solid story , some comedies with chibis here and there , but i really recommend this anime if you are the one who enjoys slow-paced , luke warmed comedy.And yeah , this anime is not anything about school life even though the Main protagonist is a teenager.


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